Save more with Hypnotherapy by achieving faster results, and therefore less sessions. The average need of sessions is only 4-6, however, this varies per individual.

Revibe Therapy Session Pricing

Consultations & Hypnotherapy

Consultations & Hypnotherapy Appointments

$150 Per Session

Sports Psychology

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

$250 Per Session

Life Coaching

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

$250 Per Session

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

$250 Per Session

After Hours Cognitive Hypnotherapy & Sports Psychology

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

$350 Per Session

Available after hours on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. with Dr. Ivey

Cheerleader Package

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

One Consultation & Two Sessions

$300 Total

* Limited Time Offer!

In some particular cases you can send your insurance the electronic statements that we send you after each session. Your insurance may then choose to reimburse you depending on your plan. Please check with your particular insurance plan.

Feel free to contact the team at Revibe Therapy today with any additional questions!